Sunday 5 May 2013

Spinning.........Balloon head....@_@

Wow, I have no idea whats wrong with me but whatever it is, it's hitting me like a tonne of bricks.

Light Headed, Super Sleepy, slight headache, sore stomach. I really hope I'm not coming with a flu or a cold or anything. I can't afford to get sick right now, I need work and I just can't be sick.

It feels really weird, I don't feel like properly sick.... but I'm nodding off every five minutes and I have this weird taste in my mouth. WebMD is getting some views from me today. But knowing that site it's going to say I have like Super Schizophrenia Hyperactive Mad Cow Disease or something.... so not the most reliable of sights....

Wednesday 1 May 2013

A good day just not a good day...

Well another wasted day looking for work, although there are a couple potential chances I can look into tomorrow I still managed to get nothing done today.

And one thing that was brought to my attention today and peeves me off ROYALLY is my father said to me

"You need to look the part if you are looking for a job, You need better clothes and loosing some weight wouldn't hurt either."

That is straight up bull muck and I will pick it apart with logic.

1. I DO look the part, I am unemployed therefor I LOOK unemployed which means I am looking for work RIGHT NOW and I cannot afford new clothes.

2. WEIGHT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY ABILITY TO WORK!!! I may be fat but I am not so over weight that I cannot move. In fact, getting a job may actually help me loose weight because I would have to move more and have less time to sit and do nothing therefor making me more active.

So that statement that I need better clothes and I need to loose weight is crap!